Memorable People - Friends and Acquaintances of Charles B. Moore

Paul Weyrich Back To Menu

For more than two decades he has been known in Washington as the most powerful and influential conservative. Paul Weyrich and Howard Phillips took one entire day in early 1980 to teach me how to do grass roots organizing.

Paul has always been one of the greatest proponents of organizing the grass roots of every political campaign so that on election day a campaign will already know how many supporters will turn out to vote. His influence on the strategy that I developed to organize each of the Moral Majority state chapters made the difference in my efforts resulting in the defeat of 4 incumbent U.S. Senators.

Ten years later Paul and I agreed that the biggest mistake of the "Christian Right" in the 1980's was that they abandoned grass roots organizing for rallies and speeches and this resulted in disaster on election day.

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Image of Charles B. Moore.
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